Thursday, October 15, 2009

G and Y Line

G and Y line very simple and can make your server much better

G Line

A standard g line is:

G: { 05022600 ABCD }

This means the BoxID ABCD is prever for provider 05022600 ( TPS 13E ).
Its interest for Boxids there are often pay for special events.....
Also interest is that when u have a x5 and u have eg 7 G lines from one provider u get it 7 times (when all are online). so u can get a small x value for all providers and get a higher value for special providers.

Y Line

the y line blocks Boxids.

Y { AB CD }

In this case the boxid ABCD will be blocked. Interest when u have freezers or fake cards form a special boxid. u can also block level 0 share.

u see the boxid in the ecm info as prov:ABCD. when u have a plugin for gbox its very easy to find the boxid.


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