Level 0 Cards -->
I think its the wrong way to Add Level 0 Cards to cwshare because this is
only move the Problems to another place ! The right way is when you look from wich peer is this Level0 Card and you contact them and say they do A2 A2 at your D line ! When the Level0 Card also exist after WARN the peer again and say to him when not better you delete his line ! This is the best way to execute this Problems !!!
- Sometimes it can be OK when a Specially rare Card comes from your Peer and when they say not more than A1 because more/reshare is Bad for the Card
-If a user at distance 2 from me, has {A2 A2} then the user at distance 1 will receive his cards with level 1. When he passes them to me they will be level 0. This is not a bad thing. They may be perfectly good. It just means I cannot re-share them
A2 A2 - NOT MORE !!! -->
This is the best entry at all Peers and for all users enought ! More is BAD and makes instability, freezes and BAD Network Performance !!!
Important is NEVER A5 A5 !!!
Local Cards -->
Every Peer likes have a Local Card most of time all other is VERY BAD ! Check this everytime !!! You will do nothing only use the Peers Checker from the Gbox Share Control ( THX to Black64 !!! )
And also its a Tip - Share only Full Cards because you cant sure if the owner from a Not Full Card makes W or S - Line ( This says gbox what channels the Card encrypt and what not ) everytime !
EXCEPTION.: Some Cards with many Channels like NDS or TPS its the best way when the Peer share not all channels because otherwise its too much for the card in cs and than it freez
Also good option is to Overclock the Card for support more users.
No Share with Virtuall Cards like Anaconda or K3 or ... !!!
EXCEPTION.: When you are sure the Peer is have the right files for his Virtuall Card than its OK to share
Ignore list -->
Note that when you block Providers that you dont have but they are active the Peers from you dont receive it from you also !
Ident.list -->
One from the Important things that you need for Good working because here you can see what are good Providers/Cards and what Bad
Here in the Forum you can use my Ident.list when you like and help the community too that we always Up2date with the list entrys/changes
I: in cwshare.cfg -->
The best here is I:02 !!! When you use gbox 2.1b and receive Distance3 Cards but you have I:02 than you can use the patched I:02 Version from the UPC here !!!
But normally its recommend to work with the newest Version ( V. 2.25 )
X: in cwshare.cfg -->
Between X:05 and max X:0A !!! When you beginn with X:0A and have more than 900 Cards set it to X:09 ! When you have after this also more than 900 Cards set it to X:08 ! Et cetera
Attention the entrys work with Hexadezimal so X:10 is not meaning max 10 Cards from one Provider, in Numbers X:10 is --> 16 Cards !!!
Some small Tips from me ...
NEVER Handle WITH PROGRAMMS @ BOX direct USE only PC Programms !!!
gsuite,center ... all will crash sometimes and give from time to time false Infos !!!
Its a good think when you make a excel list with all your Peers and write behind them what Cards they local have and his email Adress
When you have bad peers that you have deleted make it in a seperate list and give them a extra Info with your Commentar why you have delete him. So you can be better sure that you dont share again with bad peoples.
Its recommendable when you security this files with for example Steganos Save or some other Crypt Programms that no one other can read this Details !
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These are BASICS !!! When anybody is meaning there was some not correct or have also good Tips let me known here and i can update this Info --> This is only for Beginners of gbox that he can see what is Important and how works the think ! I am also NOT a Professional i make this for Hobby and will only do the best for the Community !!! I will NEVER say I am the Boss ore some else !!! Thanks for understand
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