Sunday, October 11, 2009

GBOX communication: GSM

Few people know about powerful communication feature that GBOX offer: GSMS
With this feature you can send messages to peers connected to you, and if is proper set then message will be displayed instant on TV.

Why it is important ?
Well, it offer you a free way to quick contact, talk with your friends connected to your dreambox.
You will see it is really amazing.

How to configure:
In gbox_cfg file you have this lines:

# On Screen Display for the Multysystemcam on com1/com2
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino
# 02 display Smartcard messages in Neutrino new nhttpd format
# 03 display Smartcard messages in Enigma
# mypass (use user=root and pass=mypass for nhttpd)
O: { 03 }

all you have to do is to set your dreambox IP in O line and restart gbox.

Here it is a windows with first GSMS received.

Ok, now it is set and you received GSMS, but how to send GSMS to your friends ?

You will need a sw to write GSMS and pass to GBOX; there are few available and here I will mention you:
Gbox Suite - a plug in for dreambox
Gbox Managing - a sw for PC

Gbox Suite.
Gbox Suite will allow you to manage GSMS from your dream via remote control.
It is easy to use for read, delete GSMS and a little hard to write long GSMS, but it is very good if you don't have a PC near you.

To install Gbox Suite in your dreambox, copy this file in:
\var\lib\ -make attrib 755
\var\tuxbox\plugins\ -make attrib 755

This is the menu to write and send GSMS.

This is the menu for read your GSMS messages.

Gbox Managing.

This is a PC sw very good for managing GBOX; be careful with Box Control button, you can easy Stop / Start your Gbox on dream.
Also be sure you are in Box Mode to be able to connect to your dreambox.

this is the config menu, just be sure you put your dreambox IP and password:

where GSMS are stored ?
check \tmp dir:
there you will see some files gsms:
gsms.log - messages you received
gsms.ack - log with delivered messages


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